How Invisalign® works

“Let your brace be your secret!”

Here at Raby Road, we are proud to offer Invisalign® aligners, a modern, efficient, and discreet solution to straightening teeth. In this blog post, we will explain all about how Invisalign® works and all the information you may need, to decide whether this is the dental solution for you.

Invisalign® works by using scanning technology and precise computer planning software, aligners are then created that will gradually move your teeth into the correct position. Invisalign® aligners provide an invisible alternative to traditional braces, the series of aligners will move certain teeth in a particular pre-set sequence which will move the teeth accordingly over the course of treatment.

Clear aligners have grown in popularity over the past couple of decades as an option for straightening or realigning your teeth.

Invisalign can fix a number of different dental issues, such as overbite and underbite issues, gap teeth and crowded teeth.

The first step in your Invisalign® journey is to visit our Invisalign® Dentist here at Raby Road for your in-person consultation.  During your consultation, you will discuss treatment options and learn more about how the treatment works, and also discuss payment options and plan your smile makeover.

Once 3D scans and measurements are taken of your teeth, Invisalign creates a customised set of clear aligners, that must be changed every 10 days, this gradually moves your teeth into the correct position.

So, how long does the treatment take?

The length of treatment can take on average 6 months, but this is dictated by your Invisalign® doctor depending on how complicated your case is.

Most people feel a difference wearing Invisalign aligners after three months, and results are usually noticeable after six months.

If pain is a factor you are concerned about, fear not, Invisalign® applies gentle forces to the teeth over the course of the treatment and there is some initial discomfort as the teeth start to move, but no pain.

Taking care of your Invisalign®

For Invisalign® to work to its best ability, it is crucial that the wearer takes all the right steps and precautions to maintain good oral health. Invisalign® aligners must be cleaned regularly, it is a good habit to clean them morning and night, at the same time you brush your teeth.  It is also good practice to remove your aligners when doing the following: eating or drinking, brushing or flossing your teeth and cleaning your aligners.

If Invisalign® is a treatment that interests you, get in touch with our team today via or call 0151 336 6844.


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